Flash fiction

I’ve only been writing flash relatively recently.

I was one of the 15 runners up in the FLASH MOB International Flash Fiction Competition 2013.

I was longlisted in The New Writer Magazine’s 2014 competitions (for a 500-word flash and a poetry collection).

My 100-word piece Literary Costume was shortlisted in the 2014 National Flash Fiction Competition. You can read the winning stories here.

I won the Faber Academy #QuickFic competition on 28 November 2014, with a piece written in response to their TS Eliot prompt line: In my beginning is my end. I think I invented a new genre of reversible fiction.

This next Faber Academy #QuickFic I tried didn’t win (12 Dec 2014), but it’s a bit of fun anyway. “Marley was dead, to begin with.